Monday, August 18, 2014

"She Proposed"?

In the age of the "Independent Woman", "Phenomenal Woman", "Boss Lady", I am beginning to wonder if we have over stepped boundaries. This past weekend I have encountered a heavily detailed discussion regarding whether a man should pursue a woman who prefers to be "wined and dined" rather than cooking at home. My personal view on that discussion is that in this generation; men don't want to have to come out of pocket on dates and such and don't want to invest in building a committed relationship. However they prefer a woman to be that "independent woman" and Pay for them, Cook for them and Enjoy the perks of committed relationship with no personal investment. In light of this mind-frame that some females have bought into, these same females are taking matters further into their own hands and have decided "if we are going this far (paying for meals, taking care of our men, I love him, he loves me then why don't I just propose to keep the ball rolling, because he will never do it". A sad case of events, isn't it?

While I can understand why this is can be an option and somewhat of a last resort for some women, I on the other hand am not in agreement with this decision at all. One mainly because of my own personal views and mindset of the order of God. I am in agreement that women can run companies, be CEO's, have their own business but the start and building of the foundation for the family unit, that process must and should begin with the man and that is his pursuit of "Finding" Engaging and Marrying his Chosen wife. This SHOULD Not be up to the woman. A man is a man and by nature men go after what he wants, when he wants it. If he is a man and  has "dated"a woman for an extended period of time ( more than 2 years) and has not proposed, he either:
1. Does not see the woman as marriage material
2. Is weighing his options to see if she could "possibly" be "The One" but he isn't sold on her
3. Doesn't feel the need to marry the woman because she is already giving him everything a wife would so he doesn't feel the need to marry her. With these factors in place some women have taken it upon themselves to "hurry" the process and propose themselves. What these women do not realize is that they are taken the man's natural right of pursuit and have stepped into their role as the man.

The bible is Direct in stating that " He who finds a Wife, Finds a Good thing and Favor in the Sight of God" (Proverbs 18:22) As a woman who doesn't want to be seen as a "Good Thang"? When a man finds a woman he is obtaining Favor from God because of that woman. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the favor of God, so let me explain.  There is a phrase that Christians say, "Favor ain't Fair". Favor is having something that you should not have gotten but because God has blessed you and anointed you, you have access to it. That's another key word, "access". When women propose it is giving a man access to you without having sought you out. A friend of mine ( male) once said, "don't be so quick to drop your panties for a man who would rather take them off you slowly because he worked for it". The best advice I've ever gotten. When we pursue a man to propose we are giving up our role as women and the man cannot step up and take on his rightful role as a leader. As Christians our example is Christ and He pursues our hearts as His bride and we love Him in return for loving us, so the same is the man who finds us should pursue us the same. If we propose we are breaking that order. The same with society, that is how it was. The man sought a woman, pursued her, married her and then "bedded" her or in other words had sex and that is how it was.

Women of this new generation. It it okay to be in charge, to be the boss but let's not take it ALL away from the man. We should not HAVE to do it all AND propose. Lets bask in the glory of being women and remain treasures that need to be found. Lets enjoy being swept off our feet, being joined together with our Mr.Right and let Him decide that we Are the Mrs. Right and Only Woman for him and he is willing to forsake all other for Our hand.

You are a Diamond, a best kept treasure until its your time to be on display! Until next time, Be You, Stay True and Live SXSI!

One SXSI Lady

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Transitions of Life Pt.1

I know its been a while since I have written but I have taken somewhat of a break for the summer months and I have been in a period of Transition and Rebuilding. It has been a lot of shedding that has taken place in my life in these last 2 months. Uncomfortable shedding to say the least. I have endured some painful blows, so painful I did not think I would come back from it. It really sent me to a place that I thought I could not recoup from. Let me give you an example:

I started working at a job in November 2013. Getting this job was a shock and a miracle at the same time. I was not looking for a job because I had it in my mind that I was going to "do my OWN thing" and be an entrepreneur and make a lot of money on MY OWN. While I am still an entrepreneur, I realized that there is a process to it and a time of preparation and people DO NOT make money overnight, contrary to popular belief. Once I realized that I accepted the job and began to go through my transition process I quickly realized I was NOT CEO material and I had some learning, growing and developing to do. You see I thought I had all the answers and if I just "did my thing" everything would work out. No, a couple of ground rules in wanting to be in business for yourself:
1. Know Your Flaws, Own them and Work On Them! That is something I did not do prior. One of the things I recognizes through this job is that I had a serious habit of procrastinating which KILLS productivity!
2. Understand who you are trying to reach and research what you want to do. Sorry to break it to some of you but you are NOT the only one who wants to do or IS doing what you want to do. Know your Industry and stand out. I was Completely frustrated with the fact that there were so many people who want to empower young women. I almost let go of the dream but God had to redirect my focus. I soon found that there is room for everyone and their purpose, you just have to know your role, stay in your lane and move forward!
3. Delay is NOT Denial!!!!! I Cannot stress this enough! I struggled because I felt like, now I am at a job, how the heck am I going to be in business for myself, this is delaying the process, blah, blah, blah!!! NO!!! If you are thinking like that STOP IT NOW!!!!! There is a reason for you have not begun or started what you are wanting to start, there is something you need to learn, an area you need to go in before you can go full force! Trust me, its better to be prepared than to go out there and you are Not together! I am not saying you have to be Perfect but there are Basic Self Development skills you must have and learn and it takes time, so Be patient with yourself! As my Master Coach taught me, You can only go as fast as the slowest part of yourself ( That will click in a moment).

So once I understood my reason for having to go to work, I began to develop parts of me that would be necessary for having my own business. I began networking, meeting people, putting myself on a schedule, and it started to show me that I would have been chewed up in the world I was going into.

Many of us, have been in a season of transition. The transition may have been in a relationship, work, school related, with our children. Transitioning brings about anxiety at times, not knowing what the next step is or knowing what the next step is but not wanting to go out and make the change necessary to go to the next level in life. One suggestion I can make is, being honest with your place of current reality. Looking at your transition placement and knowing where you want to go. In other words here are some tips for transition:
1. Look at your current reality, assess the changes needed, Embrace the change that Will take place
2. Know where you want to go and devise a plan to get there, if you need help, I am HERE!!!! :)
(I will put my info at the end of this posting)
3. If you feel stuck, take a breath, reevaluate your position and course correct if necessary
4. Work towards moving forward in a pace that is comfortable FOR YOU! Some people tend to think transition needs to happen when other people say it does, NO! Your life if your life and your process is YOUR process! We live on God's time Not Ours!
5. Be Patient with Your Process! Change is Constant and Inevitable! Transitions help us grow, be better, do better and Live Free!

I hope you were Inspired, Encouraged and Impacted to Move! If you want to learn more or need help in making steps to transition, or feel stuck, Please email me at or comment on the post with your email address and I will GLADLY get back to you to see how I may serve you! I enjoy sharing my life and being transparent, My life isn't my own and if I can help someone, I have done my duty!

Until Next Time, Be You, Stay True, Live SXSI!

Integrity/Lifestyle Coach
SXSI-She Xercises Self Integrity

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Single Woman to Single Mother?

January 2011

I sat on the edge of the toilet seat praying that the stick I was looking at would reveal to me a single line and not a double line. In my heart, I hoped and prayed that I wouldn’t be labeled a “baby mama” especially since, I didn’t take the time to Really know this guy. What was he going to say? Would he want to take our relationship further? Was it true that he did want me to be his wife like he told me? I didn’t know what to think. I was so freaked out. I looked down at the stick after the longest 2 minutes of my life. In 2 minutes my life had completely changed, I was going to be a mother to a life I didn’t think I was ready for. As the tears fell like a well from my eyes, massive amounts of thoughts ran through my head? Was I ready? Why is this happening? Why didn’t I just stay where I was that night? Why did I have to go looking to be with someone? I shouldn’t have let loneliness get the best of me. How the hell am I going to take care of a baby?! I don’t even like kids! Someone needed the bathroom so I had to get out, I washed my face, dried my tears and went out the bathroom.

Still dazed and confused I searched online for a possible mistake. This stick had to be wrong, maybe I was too anxious. Yeah that’s it, I’m too anxious and my body thinks it’s pregnant. I scheduled a doctor’s appointment to get a “real” answer. After work I rushed to the doctor’s office praying the entire time, hoping that my repentance would get me out of this. After being tested for the 3rd time that day, the nurse came back with the results I dreaded in my heart, “you’re pregnant, congratulations"! I hated that nurse. I was furious, those weren’t the words I wanted to hear, and those weren’t happy words to my ears. I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to scream, cry, fight, curse everything to undo what I had done. My choices had finally caught up to me and I didn’t know how to handle them. My doctor came in, interrupted my thoughts and asked “so what are you going to do?” before my thoughts could catch up with my mouth I blurted out, “I’m going to keep it”. WHAT! Takima what do you know about raising kids, you can barely raise yourself, let alone a baby! My doctor scheduled me my next appointments and I was on my way. What was I going to do, I have a little person growing in my belly and I don’t know how I am going to raise her/him, how I am going to love her/him. I called my sister, who reminded me of a conversation we had a year prior. I was telling her that I didn’t like children and I don’t think I am meant to be a mother, she said to me “Takima, be careful what you say because God will give you exactly what you need to do what you are supposed to do. You have everything already inside of you, when the time comes you will know what to do”. I disregarded it because I thought to myself, I know what I like and do not like and children was one of them. Now with this life force growing inside of me, I knew my life would take a turn that I had no idea how to maneuver.

September 2011

I looked at the little face that looked back at me, doesn’t really look like me, but she came from me. She is a piece of me, she is me. I stared at her for hours. As I lay in the hospital bed trying to figure out how I was going to love her and bond with her I cried. I felt so hopeless, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a perfect life, I was sure I would mess it up. Out of all the times, I screwed up and screwed around why would God choose Now to give me this life. I was not at my best, I didn’t do the right thing and worse of all, her dad was not there and had not been there for the entire pregnancy. The last month he went to 3 appointments but he did not show up for her birth. I was so crushed and hurt because I knew that would be a precursor to what her life would be like, fatherless, like mine. I wanted to different for my child, so I already messed up. How could I right my wrongs for her, I would continuously play catch up. Trying to figure out my own life while trying to develop hers, “God IM NOT READY!!!” I screamed inside as tears rolled down my face. My first month with her was torture for me, I experienced the worse kind of post-partum and I felt like everything I did was wrong and even though she was brand new in the world, I felt like she hated me. I couldn’t connect with her, I couldn’t breastfeed, she wouldn’t latch on, I was so anxious about everything, I didn’t sleep, and I just felt like a complete failure as a mother, this went on for about a year and a half. I was afraid that something was going to happen so much so that I dreamed about ACS coming to take her away. I considered putting her up for adoption just so I could get my bearings and understand exactly what happened to my life. Apart of me knew that would have been a mistake but at the time, I felt like there was nothing I could do for her and frankly I didn’t truly want her because I was not okay with my new role, as mother.

Present Day: 2014

My daughter is now a Very vibrant, expressive, Very vocal, active, 2 year old. She is the epitome of a my inner self. She is strong willed, determined and just plan herself with me mixed inside of her. When I look at her I see all the things in myself that I thought I knew but really I didn’t. she is daring, she is a risk-taker and she doesn’t like to be told no. Just recently I had experienced somethings, which brought me back to when I first had her. Although things in my life has somewhat calmed, I am still struggling with the fact of being a mother, a single mother or in my head a single young woman who is also a mother. Very tough concept to grasp for me. I watch and see my peers or younger versions of myself that go and come as they please because they have no children and I often think of how carefree I used to be and live. Things I desire to do I cannot do as freely, things have to be planned out, money has to be more closely accounted for, I am forced to be more responsible, although those are All great things, it just came on so fast and its taking some time for me to process this transition. I often look at other young single mothers/fathers who seem to be delighted to be in their role. I do not envy them but I wonder what it took for them to fall so seamlessly in the role and why I am having such a hard time. Then I also think about if I am the only one who feels the way I feel. I love my daughter, I just have a hard time connecting with the fact that this is how my life is now and she is relying on me to take care of her. I have to do things for her, its not about me anymore. Yes I recognize this may be a self-fish thought, but it is my truth, and I am sure there are others who feel the way I feel but are afraid to speak out because they are too, afraid to be judged. There are days when I leave work and I want to just sit in my apartment, and be quiet, they will never happen again. She wants my attention and whether I want to give it to her or not, I do because that is what is required, as a mother. I reached out to another single mother who is a friend of mine and shared how I felt with her. She reminded me although it is normal to have feelings like, this I must get to the root of struggling with being a mother. After doing some searching this is what I found:

1.       I miss my freedom, my carefree nature, no thinking and just doing not having to be on a schedule and go and come as I please. Lesson: I am a woman of God and if my Father does everything in decency and order, I need to get my life in order the same way. My child needs structure and order, and although I liked that life, that’s not how God wants me to live.

2.       I miss being able to spend my money the way I wanted to. I could buy what I wanted, when I wanted and go when I wanted. Lesson: truth be told, I wasn’t a good steward of what God gave me. I would pay my bills but when I wanted to, or shop when I needed other things. Now I cannot do that, I have to think of making sure I have a shelter, food, and necessities met before anything else is done.  

3.       Being a mom was scary to me because I have two mothers (that will be in another post soon). From one I was taken care of, all my necessities but not so much emotionally and the other I didn’t know too well because she couldn’t take care of me, so I am afraid I won’t know how to raise my daughter, I don’t know what to do with her, how to love her properly. Lesson: No one gets it right the first time or ever (so I have been told). That is where God comes in, He fills the gaps. He Will Be A….

4.       I cannot give out of what I do not have. Being a mother at 28 was scary, I was almost out of my 20’s and I was still trying to figure me out. Now I have to do that AND be responsible for a new life? How does that work. I have so many broken pieces in me, how can I give to my daughter, I need to be fixed, healed, put together. Lesson: it is out of our pain and brokenness that we are built stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. I am learning about Surrender. Surrender to the process, Surrender of my Will, Surrender of what my life is now, and even though it is not easy every day I am realizing, every day when I put down something I feel lighter, more clear, and more focused.

5.       I don’t believe in Me. I have a bad habit of looking around instead of looking within. I learned that this week. I always said I don’t like kids, I cannot relate to kids; I would never be a mother. Now that I am a mother, I am forced to change my own perceptions of myself. Lesson: the very thing you are afraid of WILL HAPPEN, so understand that YOU can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives you strength, and if you do not have Christ, let’s talk J

I hope this story encouraged someone, inspired a single mother to continue on and be the best Woman you can be so that you can be the Best Mother you can be. There is NOTHING wrong with feeling inadequate, alone, anxious, afraid, angry, Feel those things, It Happens! The best thing is to not STAY in those feelings. It won’t help you and it won’t help your child. I know it’s hard; it can be frustrating and the transitioning from Single Woman to Single Mother but know you are  not on this journey alone! I encourage you to comment and even share your story!

Until Next Time,

Signed One SXSI Lady


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Heal to Love for Real: My Thoughts on Real Love and LHHNY

Everyone I know watches the “Ratchet TV” Love and Hip Hop New York. I used to think that the show was really silly yet entertaining but I started to watch it from a different eye. On Sunday night I watched the Reunion part 1 and I was literally hurting for the women that I saw on the stage, I also hurt for the men who took advantage of the women because of their lack of love and healing in themselves.

After watching the reunion I went back to catch up on the story line and to view what I missed out on. I was truly saddened and slightly disturbed by what I saw. Women older and younger, loving men who couldn’t love them enough to heal them but continued to either stay with them or go back and forth with them not realizing they were digging the wound deeper and making it next to impossible to be healed properly. The one character I truly felt for was Erica Mena. People can say what they choose about her but this was my observation. Here is a young woman, mother, trying to make a name for herself in the world but carrying around the baggage of abandonment, hurt, pain, abuse, and all wrapped up in the desire to be loved. Then you have Rich who is a man who deals with the inability to love truly because he has his own issues with self and accomplishment from a male perspective so he sees Ms. Mena as someone who needs and is looking for that love, attention, and the “daddy issues” gives it to her with a long handed spoon, doesn’t make much sense does it? This cycle of back and forth of “love” was birthed out of one person looking for something that they themselves are incapable of giving but took advantage of a situation of a person who cannot recognize what real, true authentic love looks like, but recognizes the mirages of what your first love of a Father is supposed to give but becomes tainted in sex, lies and deceit because the foundation is lust and selfishness.

 Now you have “Love “ in dysfunction in two people who are desperate for healing but do not have the tools to love for real nor have they taken the time to truly dig through the pain  within themselves to be able to give and receive love genuinely. So what you have are two people acting out their wounded hearts onto each other.  It saddens me to see this happen because there are so many people, mainly young women in this world that are walking around with wounded hearts and broken pieces and they are in relationships that are not conducive to their condition so they end up hurting themselves as well as the other person in a cycle that never ends, and what’s worse is they go from relationship to relationship building on the hurt and continuously infecting each other and never taking the time to heal.  

Love is the purest condition of the heart that when used and given in the right way is the best medicine for a broken, hurt and bruised heart. Love is a word we use and throw around for many reasons but a few of the main reasons are to get attention from someone we may be connected to, to express our gratitude to someone and genuine care for another person, or we say it because it is something to be said during special occasions or worse to get what we want, which then makes it selfish and love is definitely not selfish. I think what people are missing is that love is not just an emotion, it is action. Love is not just something you Give or Say it is something you Do and Are. The perfect example of love is summed up in these words: Love is: Patient, Kind, Does not Envy, Does not Boast, Is not Proud, Not Rude, Not Selfish, Not Easily Angered, Keeps no record of Wrongs, Does not delight in Evil, Always Rejoices in Truth, Always Protects, Always Trusts and Always Perseveres, and Never Fails.

If we truly lived out love in this way, many hearts will heal and be not easily broken. Now do not get me wrong, love can disappoint and hurt but it is not out of selfishness. We are human beings and are prone to error but we can choose to not do something or say something or take advantage if love is really there.

My point: True Love is a healing agent and when used properly in taking the time to love on yourself first  and apply it to the broken and shattered parts of yourself, you will find that it will be easier for you to recognize real love (as I type this right now Mary J. Is bumping in the back ground, “Real Love” from the ‘What’s the 411' album, ironic) and give genuine love from a pure place not out of hurt and pain. By ignoring your hurts and pains and then piling on new issues, new hurts and counterfeit “love” on top of what is already damaged and in need of repair, you will soon realize there is more chaos and unauthentic love breeding and causing more interior damage which leads to destruction for all parties involved.

When Real Love comes into play it immediately recognizes the hurts and sees the vulnerability as either an opportunity  to walk away for that person to be healed and be whole completely or they will put on the gloves to help to heal instead of taking advantage and adding to the already broken heart.  So In the cases of Erica Mena and Rich, Tahiry and Joe Budden, Amina, Tara and Peter Gunz, they are all broken people who need to be healed completely from the inside out. The beauty about love is that if its for you it will come around to you again and when its true love  it covers you and comforts you in good and bad experiences. My prayer is that they recognize it and get what they need before connecting to another broken heart. To the women of the LHHNY, I am sure they know they are valuable but it is one thing to know it, and another to live like it. Making choices that match how you really think of yourself. Most of them are mothers and we (I am mother as well and I am walking in this experience as well) must live the way we desire for our children to live, be and feel about themselves.
For the men of LHHNY: love is not just an emotion, it is action. As a man and what I have learned and continue to experience, do not just say you love a woman and you are not willing to protect her and provide for her not just physical needs. Love is NOT sex, intimacy is deeper than being naked without clothing. Men take this time to really understand what a man is and how love operates in you, for yourself. Take ownership of love lost in your life and see how that plays out in your actions and treatment of women as a Grown man in age. Recognize there are parts of you that are wounded and if you desire to truly love a woman who is “down for you”, get “down” with yourself and learn what it means to love you first, nurture that little boy, young man and then you can experience love like you have never known it before.

Love is what Love Does, and that is Truth. Healing is the first step to experience Authentic Love for Real.

